Section numbering with Template Toolkit

2010-09-22 perl template Template Toolkit tpage

Recently I was working on documentation for web-based intranet application. Every page is created from templates processed by Template Toolkit. So why not move heading definition into separate block and generate TOC automatically.

Below is the approach demonstrated, just on simple text file.

The template

[% toc = []; toc_number = [ 0, 0 ] ~%]
[% BLOCK head %]
[%- SWITCH level %]
[%- CASE 1 %][% underline = '='; toc_number.0 = toc_number.0 + 1; toc_number.1 = 0 %]
[%- CASE 2 %][% underline = '-'; toc_number.1 = toc_number.1 + 1 %]
[%- END ~%]

[% title = toc_number.first(level).join(".") _ "  " _ title; title %]
[% underline.repeat(title.length + 1) %]

[%~ toc.push({ 'level' => level, 'title' => title }) ~%]
[% END ~%]

[%~ text = BLOCK %]
[% PROCESS head title='Introduction' level=1 %]

This is overall introduction into the problem.

[% PROCESS head title='Scope'        level=2 %]

These instructions pertain specifically to some scope that should be covered here.

[% PROCESS head title='Copyright'    level=2 %]

Any copyright clausule ...

[% PROCESS head title='Overview'     level=1 %]

Quick summary and high level overview of the problem.

[% END ~%]


[% indent = "   " ~%]
[% FOREACH toc_entry IN toc %]
[%~ indent.repeat(toc_entry.level - 1) %][% toc_entry.title %]
[% END %]
[% text %]

Process the template

Convert to output with tpage tool (included in Template Toolkit):

tpage text_with_contents.txt



1  Introduction
   1.1  Scope
   1.2  Copyright
2  Overview

1  Introduction

This is overall introduction into the problem.

1.1  Scope

These instructions pertain specifically to some scope that should be covered here.

1.2  Copyright

Any copyright clausule ...

2  Overview

Quick summary and high level overview of the problem.