Simple web scraping with perl

2011-03-29 perl LWP::Simple HTML::TreeBuilder URI Encoding

There is something on web that I would like to use. The following article goes on how to locate and get web-pages, parse and extract data from it.

The code below is real-life problem I needed to solve. There was nice web (calorie tables in english) that I used to find out what calorie consumption I had on various activities like swimming.

Building blocks:

  • how to get a page from specific URL
  • how to parse HTML string and find specific contents
  • how to compose new URL from original and relative link

Request data from web

We can use LWP::Simple library to get a resource from specific url:

use LWP::Simple qw(get);
my $data = get('');

Parse contents of a web page

The HTML::TreeBuilder provides nice interface for parsing of the HTML page and bunch of nice methods to extract items based on its attributes.

my $html = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($html_string);
for my $link ($html->look_down(id => 'katalog')->find('a')) {
  # do something with links in the "katalog" element
  print $link->attr('href');

URL composition

Is easy with URI module:

my $url = URI->new_abs($link, $base_link);    # link can be either absolute or relative

Put together

use LWP::Simple qw(get);
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use URI;

my $start_page
  = q{};

my $html = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content(get($start_page));
my @list_page_urls
  = map { URI->new_abs($_->attr('href'),$start_page)->as_string }
        $html->look_down(id => 'katalog')->find('a');

my @items = ();
for my $page_url (@list_page_urls) {
    my $html = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content(get($page_url));
    my $item_table_html = $html->look_down(class => 'vypis');

    my @rows   = $item_table_html->find('tr');
    my $header = shift @rows;
    for my $row (@rows) {
        my @cols = map { $_->as_text } $row->find('td');
        push @items, [ @cols ];


open(my $out,">:encoding(cp1250):utf8", "activities.txt");
for my $item (@items) {
     print {$out} join("\t",@$item), "\n";