Space on device

2023-03-21 perl Advent of Code Iterator::Simple List::AllUtils Function::Parameters Moo

This post is about use of iterators for solving No space left on device task of Advent of Code glory. The assignment is terminal output of browsing through directories, listing directories and files with their size. The input looks like this

$ cd /
$ ls
dir a
14848514 b.txt
8504156 c.dat
dir d
$ cd a
$ ls
dir e
29116 f
2557 g
62596 h.lst

The first part goal is to calculate sum of directories that are at most 100000 size.

First we will need some storage for the data, class for a file

package File {
    use Moo;

    has name => (is => 'ro');
    has size => (is => 'ro');

and directory

package Dir {
    use Moo;
    use Function::Parameters;
    use List::AllUtils qw(first sum);
    use Iterator::Simple qw(iterator);

    has name    => (is => 'ro');
    has parent  => (is => 'ro');
    has entries => (is => 'ro', default => sub { [] });

    method cd($dir) {
        return $self->parent if $dir eq '..';
        return first { $_->can('entries') && $_->name eq $dir } @{ $self->entries };

    method mkdir($name) {
        push @{ $self->entries }, Dir->new(name => $name, parent => $self);

    method add($file) {
        push @{ $self->entries }, $file;

    method size() {
        return sum map { $_->size } @{ $self->entries };

    method __iter__() {
        my @items = ($self);
        iterator {
            my $curr = shift @items;
            return unless defined $curr;
            push @items, grep { $_->can('entries') } @{ $curr->entries };
            return $curr;

Note the Dir can return size of all contents recursively and there is __iter__ method that can provide all directories in the tree including itself.

Loading of the terminal listing is then quite easy, just some parsing and calling appropriate methods

sub load_fs {
    my ($lines) = @_;

    my $root = Dir->new;
    my $curr = $root;
    my $line;
    CMD: while(defined($line = $lines->next)) {
        next unless $line =~ /^\$ \s (\w+) (?:\s+ ([^\s]+))?$/x;
        my ($cmd, $arg) = ($1, $2);

        if($cmd eq 'cd' && $arg eq '/') {
            $curr = $root;
        elsif($cmd eq 'cd') {
            $curr = $curr->cd($arg);
        elsif($cmd eq 'ls') {
            while(defined($line = $lines->next)) {
                redo CMD if $line =~ /^\$/;

                if($line =~ /dir \s+ ([^\s]+)$/x) {
                elsif($line =~ /(\d+) \s+ ([^\s]+)/x) {
                    $curr->add(File->new(name => $2, size => $1));
    return $root;

The function accepts an iterator and returns root of the directory tree. For testing, we can use the test input

use Test::More;
use List::AllUtils qw(sum min);
use Iterator::Simple qw(iter list);

my $test = iter([
    '$ cd /',
    '$ ls',
    'dir a',
    '14848514 b.txt',
    '8504156 c.dat',
    'dir d',
    '$ cd a',
    '$ ls',
    'dir e',
    '29116 f',
    '2557 g',
    '62596 h.lst',
    '$ cd e',
    '$ ls',
    '584 i',
    '$ cd ..',
    '$ cd ..',
    '$ cd d',
    '$ ls',
    '4060174 j',
    '8033020 d.log',
    '5626152 d.ext',
    '7214296 k',
my $test_root = load_fs($test);
is $test_root->size, 48381165, 'test root size';
is sum(grep { $_ < 100_000 } map { $_->size } @{ list(iter($test_root)) }), 95437, "test for directories under 100000B";


Actual code solving first part just load the terminal input from a file

use Test::More;
use Path::Class qw(file);
use List::AllUtils qw(sum min);
use Iterator::Simple qw(iter list);

my $input_file = "../input/07.txt";
my $lines = iter(file($input_file)->openr);

my $root = load_fs($lines);
is sum(grep { $_ < 100_000 } map { $_->size } @{ list(iter($root)) }), 1454188, "part 1";


Second part of code is trying to find directory that, when removed, would provide enough disk space. With tools we already have, this is pretty easy

my $total_space  = 7_000_0000;
my $needed_space = 3_000_0000;
my $need_to_remove = $needed_space - ($total_space - $root->size);
is $need_to_remove, 3837783, 'part 2 - need to remove';
is min(grep { $_ > $need_to_remove } map { $_->size } @{ list(iter($root)) }), 4183246, 'part 2 - remove enough';

This two extra tests contain right answer for my input of the puzzle.