Windows .lnk

2023-01-01 perl .lnk windows Win32::Shortcut Path::Class

Here is quick perl script to check that target of .lnk file exists.

use 5.16.3;
use Path::Class qw(dir file);
use Win32::Shortcut;

my $input_dir = shift or die "syntax: perl dir\n";

for my $file (grep { /\.lnk$/i } dir($input_dir)->children) {
    my $lnk = Win32::Shortcut->new();
    my $target = $lnk->{Arguments} || $lnk->{Path};
    say join ",", $file->basename, $target, -e $target ? "Target file exists" : "File missing";

The script accepts input directory, like this:

perl c:\Users\Me\Desktop

It scans the directory for .lnk files and loads each of them with Win32::Shortcut. When loaded, the $lnk contains following fields:

  • Arguments
  • Description
  • File
  • Hotkey
  • IconLocation
  • IconNumber
  • Path
  • ShortPath
  • WorkingDirectory

Each .lnk file is then printed with its target (either the argument or the basic path itself, if the argument is empty). Last column is check whether the target still exists, as sometimes it leads to a share or other area that might be removed. The output might look somehow like this (formatted into a table)

Lnk Target Exists?
Interface Descriptions.lnk D:\Files\Resources\Interface Descriptions Target file exists
ProjectA.sln.lnk D:\Files\ProjectA\trunk\ProjectA.sln Target file exists D:\Files\Resources\ Target file exists
ProjectB.sln.lnk D:\Files\ProjectB\trunk\ProjectB.sln Target file exists
Wireshark.lnk C:\Program Files\Wireshark\Wireshark.exe Target file exists