AT-802F Drawing

2023-02-19 Drawing Air Tractor AT-802F Aircraft Grid

One of the skills I would like to improve is drawing, so I decided to spend regularly some time on doing it. I recently read an article on firefighting using an aircraft, featuring modification of agricultural plane for the purpose.

The aircraft is Air Tractor AT-802F. With 3 tons on empty weight it can take another 3 tons of water and put it over a fire. With low cost of flying and fast load using pipes within amphibious floats, it can deliver up to 50 tons of fire retardant per hour for great cost. Its agricultural origin gives it good low speed, maneuverability, rapid climb rates, which are suitable for the operation.

For the drawing, I found a photo I would like to try. To get proportions right, I was looking for way to put a grid over the image. Good solution I found is fixed grid in IrfanView. The function can be enabled in Edit/Show fixed grid, the setting of the size is in Options/Properties/Editing/Set grid cell size

I am not terribly proud of the result, but hopefully over the time I get better and it would be good to see the baseline and progress