Searching for the files/directories recursively

2022-12-12 perl Path::Class::Rule files Path::Iterator::Rule

I got used to use Path::Class module for file representation. It got bunch of nice methods for file and directory related operations.

use Path::Class qw(file);

my $file = file('this.cpp');    # current directory
print $file->absolute;          # full path
print $file->relative($base_dir);   # relative to arbitrary directory

# reading of the file
my $fh = $file->openr();
while(<$fh>) {

print $file->stat->size;        # some handy information

Then, looking for files in directory structure using a criteria is rather easy with Path::Class::Rule module. It provides nice iterative interface to specify what you are looking for:

use Path::Class::Rule;

# all *.cpp files larger than 10k ignoring .git directories
my $finder = Path::Class::Rule->new->skip_dirs('.git')->file->size('>10k')->iname('*.cpp');
my $next_file = $finder->iter('.');
while (defined(my $file = $next_file->())) {
    # we got Path::Class::File object in $file

Since the construction of Path::Class objects was quite costly, the module was simplified into Path::Iterator::Rule that returns just strings and Path::Class::Rule is simple subclass that inflates them into Path::Class. In case of huge trees it might make difference.