Launch process

2023-05-24 python subprocess os.system ffmpeg mp3 m4a docstring PEP-0257

I am trying to use python for all possible scripting tasks at hand. Recently I needed to automate conversion of .m4a files into regular .mp3, so it can be used with my legacy mp3 player. I quickly found that ffmpeg works nicely for the conversion.

So the rest of the task was rather trivial, just embed list of files to convert into the script, build target filename by replacing the extension and run the ffmpeg command

import subprocess

def main():
    for file in files():
        convert(file, quality=9)

def convert(file, quality):
    """Convert m4a file downloaded from youtube to classic mp3 using specified quality."""
    file_mp3 = file.replace('.m4a', '.mp3')

    # for ffmpeg options see
    cmd = [
        '-y',                   # overwrite output file 
        '-i', file,             # input file
        '-c:v', 'copy',         # video codec
        '-c:a', 'libmp3lame',   # audio codec
        '-q:a', str(quality),   # audio quality 0=best, 9=worst
        file_mp3                # output file
    print(' '.join(cmd))

def files():
    """Return list of .m4a files to convert."""
    return [

if __name__=="__main__":

When looking for way to execute command from python, from built-in options I found either subprocess or os.system calls. Since former was suggested as more safe, I went with that option and it worked nicely.

As I side-note, I explored using docstrings for documentation of the functions. There is PEP 257 – Docstring Conventions with conventions on how to write them. For the simple script, I went with one-line recommendation.