jekyll and TailwindCSS

2022-12-07 jekyll tailwind css html

In now about 12 years old article there are some notes how to make jekyll working on my local Windows computer.

I was recently working on a site redesign using Tailwind CSS framework.


From Tailwind installation guide

The commands for installation and rebuilding the css is

npm install tailwindcss
npm install @tailwindcss/typography
npm install @tailwindcss/line-clamp
npx tailwindcss -i css\tailwind.css -o css\output.css --watch

Utility first - basic concepts

Building complex components from a constrained set of primitive utilities

In essence it provides common classes for most CSS features with predefined values for sizes and colors. The generator mentioned above then pick just those used, so resulting CSS for production site is rather small.

There is pretty good summary in Tailwind Cheat Sheet.

Some inspiration webs