perl installation

2012-09-06 perl win32 activestate install module

Steps I usually take when installing perl on new machine.

On Windows, I was always going with ActiveState perl. It has worked for me well and I never needed to look elsewhere.

The steps below were just recently tried when I updated to 5.16 release.

  1. Download package from …
  2. If there is previous version installed, make sure to rename or remove its directory. Installing over previous leads to many modules broken. Maybe somthing has changed since I did that, but had never enough courage to try again.
  3. Install downloaded package
  4. Run ppm upg --install to upgrade all modules shipped with it to latest version
  5. ppm inst Moose, ppm inst dmake, ppm inst mingw, ppm inst App-cpanminus
  6. Ready to work
  7. All missing modules either install with ppm (ppm inst Module::Name) or cpanm (cpanm Module::Name)