Using YAML for config files

2022-12-21 perl configuration yaml YAML::XS Data::Dump

When it comes to configuration of a program, my preference is structured config file that directly translates into a programming language structures. I’ve grown to like YAML, as it allows easy comments, verbatim blocks, associations or arrays.

For instance

  - target\directory\output.html

year: 2022
threshold_percent: 3
  - '#5B9BD5'
  - '#ED7D31'
  - '#FF0000'
  - '#FFC000'
  - '#FF33CC'
  - '#70AD47'
  - '#255E91'
  - '#7030A0'

preamble: |
  This is longer paragraph with many useful information.
  And it continues here ...

Here is the way to load it and dump its structures out

use YAML::XS qw(LoadFile);
use Data::Dump qw(dd);

my $config_name = 'config.yaml';
my $config = LoadFile($config_name);

dd $config;
print "First color: " . $config->{colors}[0];


  colors => [
  output => ["target\\directory\\output.html"],
  preamble => "This is longer paragraph with many useful information.\nAnd it continues here ...\n",
  threshold_percent => 3,
  year => 2022,
First color: #5B9BD5