Generate queries with SQL::Abstract

2023-01-18 perl SQL SQL::Abstract DBIx::Class DBI

Building SQL from data structures is common problem. One solution is using full ORM like DBIx::Class, but if you need something more lightweight, there is nice module SQL::Abstract. For example

use SQL::Abstract;

my %data = (
    name    => 'Jimbo Bobson',
    phone   => '123-456-7890',
    address => '42 Sister Lane',
    city    => 'St. Louis',
    state   => 'Louisiana',
my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->insert('people', \%data);

Builds following items

INSERT INTO people ( address, city, name, phone, state) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )
( "42 Sister Lane", "St. Louis", "Jimbo Bobson", "123-456-7890", "Louisiana" )

The resulting variables can be directly used in DBI calls, like

my $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt);

Similar approach works for UPDATE statements, all what is needed is to change insert method to update. Result is

UPDATE people SET address = ?, city = ?, name = ?, phone = ?, state = ?
( "42 Sister Lane", "St. Louis", "Jimbo Bobson", "123-456-7890", "Louisiana" )

The module get pretty wild with definition of WHERE clauses. The hashref defines AND composition, arrayref produces OR composition. For example

my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->select('tickets', '*', {
    reporter   => 'Roman',
    owner      => \@names,
    status     => 'closed',
    resolution => [
        { '!=', 'invalid'},
        { '!=', 'wontfix'},

Gets all tickets where Roman is reporter, owner is from the supplied list that are already close with other resolutions than invalid or wontfix. The SQL goes like

FROM tickets 
WHERE ( ( ( owner = ? OR owner = ? OR owner = ? OR owner = ? ) 
  AND reporter = ? 
  AND ( resolution != ? OR resolution != ? ) 
  AND status = ? ) )

Binding values are

( "Jim", "John", "Joe", "Chuck", "Roman", "invalid", "wontfix", "closed" )

The module can make your SQL building much easier and actually is used by DBIx::Class to support filtering of resultsets.