Generate queries with SQL::Abstract
2023-01-18 perl SQL SQL::Abstract DBIx::Class DBIBuilding SQL from data structures is common problem. One solution is using full ORM like DBIx::Class, but if you need something more lightweight, there is nice module SQL::Abstract. For example
use SQL::Abstract;
my %data = (
name => 'Jimbo Bobson',
phone => '123-456-7890',
address => '42 Sister Lane',
city => 'St. Louis',
state => 'Louisiana',
my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->insert('people', \%data);
Builds following items
INSERT INTO people ( address, city, name, phone, state) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )
( "42 Sister Lane", "St. Louis", "Jimbo Bobson", "123-456-7890", "Louisiana" )
The resulting variables can be directly used in DBI calls, like
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt);
Similar approach works for UPDATE
statements, all what is needed is to change insert
method to update
. Result is
UPDATE people SET address = ?, city = ?, name = ?, phone = ?, state = ?
( "42 Sister Lane", "St. Louis", "Jimbo Bobson", "123-456-7890", "Louisiana" )
The module get pretty wild with definition of WHERE clauses. The hashref defines AND composition, arrayref produces OR composition. For example
my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->select('tickets', '*', {
reporter => 'Roman',
owner => \@names,
status => 'closed',
resolution => [
{ '!=', 'invalid'},
{ '!=', 'wontfix'},
Gets all tickets where Roman
is reporter, owner is from the supplied list that are already close with other resolutions than invalid
or wontfix
. The SQL goes like
FROM tickets
WHERE ( ( ( owner = ? OR owner = ? OR owner = ? OR owner = ? )
AND reporter = ?
AND ( resolution != ? OR resolution != ? )
AND status = ? ) )
Binding values are
( "Jim", "John", "Joe", "Chuck", "Roman", "invalid", "wontfix", "closed" )
The module can make your SQL building much easier and actually is used by DBIx::Class to support filtering of resultsets.