Run or Activate Program

2023-02-01 autohotkey Windows 10 keyboard

I was always into efficient control of the computer and use of keyboard is key to it. Probably everybody is using the Alt+Tab and Shift+Alt+Tab to cycle active windows. It is useful, but requires finding the intended application in displayed windows and press the combination until it becomes active.

Since I am frequently using only small amount of applications, my idea was to assign each of them a key and activate them with Win+key. Below is the AutoHotKey script running in background. When the activation key is pressed, the associated application is either activated and if it is not running, it is run.

The script defines following applications:

Key Application
Win+Shift+C Calculator
Win+B Browser - Firefox
Win+H HeidiSQL
Win+C Visual Studio Code

If there is multiple windows running, it activates the most bottom one, which means you can cycle all windows of the application with repeated key presses.

#SingleInstance force

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
SetKeyDelay 0

+#c:: RunOrActivateProgram("calc.exe")
#b::  RunOrActivateProgram("C:\Program Files\Firefox Developer Edition\firefox.exe")
#h::  RunOrActivateProgram("C:\Program Files\HeidiSQL\heidisql.exe")
#c::  RunOrActivateProgram("C:\Users\Roman\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe")

RunOrActivateProgram(Program, WorkingDir="", WindowSize="") {
    SplitPath Program, ExeFile
    Process, Exist, %ExeFile%
    PID = %ErrorLevel%
    if (PID = 0) {
        Run, %Program%, %WorkingDir%, %WindowSize%, PID
        WinWait, ahk_pid %PID%, , 10        ; wait maximum 10s

    WinActivateBottom, ahk_pid %PID%