2023-02-11 C# .NET Greatest Common Divisor GCD Least Common Multiple LCM algorithmMy son talked to me about Least Common Multiple (LCM) calculation, so I had a little refresher on how it is calculated. I remembered that long ago I used Euclid algorithm for calculation of Greatest Common Divisor (GCD), based on subtracting the numbers. As I checked the internet, I learned about a little more efficient Euclidean algorithm, especially when the difference between the numbers is great.
Here is a little C# implementation I came with testing the idea. The LCM calculation is based on plain formula that uses GCD.
/// Greatest Common Divisor - Euclidean algorithm (a, b) -> (b, a mod b)
static int GCD(int a, int b)
while(a % b != 0)
int mod = a % b;
a = b;
b = mod;
return b;
/// Least Common Multiple
static int LCM(int a, int b)
return Math.Abs(a) * (Math.Abs(b) / GCD(a, b));
And a little test code to exercise the algorithms and make sure it works as expected
var tests = new[] {
(a: 2, b: 4, expectedGCD: 2, expectedLCM: 4 ),
(a: 1, b: 5, expectedGCD: 1, expectedLCM: 5 ),
(a: 3, b: 6, expectedGCD: 3, expectedLCM: 6 ),
(a: 4, b: 12, expectedGCD: 4, expectedLCM: 12 ),
(a: 6, b: 14, expectedGCD: 2, expectedLCM: 42 ),
(a: 48, b: 18, expectedGCD: 6, expectedLCM: 144 ),
foreach(var test in tests)
int gcd = GCD(test.a, test.b);
Console.WriteLine($"GCD({test.a}, {test.b}) = {gcd} "
+ (gcd == test.expectedGCD ? "OK" : $"Fail (should be {test.expectedGCD})"));
int lcm = LCM(test.a, test.b);
Console.WriteLine($"LCM({test.a}, {test.b}) = {lcm} "
+ (lcm == test.expectedLCM ? "OK" : $"Fail (should be {test.expectedLCM})"));