
2023-03-30 C# .NET Reflection SQL GetType GetValue

C# provides nice interface to introspect classes and inspect its properties. It is called Reflection. Lets consider simplified example where we would try to generate SQL insert statement from any class supplied.

First lets build plain class for a person

public class Person
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public string Street { get; set; }
    public string City { get; set; }

Say we would like to use it like this

var guy = new Person
    FirstName = "Jim",
    LastName = "Black",
    Street = "123 Elm Street",
    City = "Boston",
string sql = BuildInsertQuery(guy);   
// INSERT INTO Person (FirstName, LastName, Street, City) VALUES ("Jim", "Black", "123 Elm Street", "Boston")

The method for building the query first uses object classes method GetType to extract the meta-class. It provides means to get name of the class via Name property and provides handy GetProperties method.

We will first locate all string properties, then put their names into first list and data extracted with GetValue method

public static string BuildInsertQuery(object data)
    // get properties of the model
    Type type = data.GetType();
    PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties().Where(pi => pi.PropertyType == typeof(string)).ToArray();

    // build the query
    return $"INSERT INTO {type.Name} " 
         + $"({string.Join(", ", props.Select((x) => x.Name))}) VALUES " 
         + $"({string.Join(", ", props.Select((x) => "\"" + MySqlHelper.EscapeString(x.GetValue(data, null) as string) + "\""))})";

The example is deliberately simple, but shows how to build data-driven interfaces. In combination with attributes it can be powerful tool.