Command Bars in new Word

2023-04-25 Visual Basic VBA Microsoft Word Word Command Bar

At work we use Microsoft Word to author requirements and there is plenty of macros that help with the task. When it was designed years ago, it used command bars functionality. At that time, you could edit them easily, create new buttons, and assign them macros.

With introduction of ribbons to Microsoft products, the functionality is still there, but the Word lacks ability to easily edit them. Only option I found is to edit them programmatically. First problem is to locate all command bars. Quick macro like this will do

Sub EnumerateCommandBars()
  Dim CommandBar
  For Each CommandBar In ActiveDocument.CommandBars
    Debug.Print CommandBar.Name
End Sub

Note the Debug.Print outputs the string into Immediate Window. You can show it with View / Immediate Window or with Ctrl+G shortcut.

Then adding new button can be done with macro

Sub AddButtonIntoCommandBar()
  Dim NewButton
  Set NewButton = ActiveDocument.CommandBars("CustomButtons").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

  NewButton.caption = "Do This"
  NewButton.OnAction = "Module.DoThis"
  NewButton.Style = msoButtonCaption
End Sub

It will create button with Do This text, connected to macro DoThis in Module. Very simple tester that would bring a message box looks like this

Sub DoThis
  MsgBox "Clicked Do This"
End Sub