Encode special chars in URL

2023-06-28 perl Mojo::URL Web Mojolicious

I recently needed to build an URL with the weird character # in an authentication string. It was clear that the character needed to be properly encoded. There are for sure many online convertors, but I reached for a utility class from the Mojolicious framework, called Mojo::URL. The following script demonstrates how to handle this:

use Mojo::URL;

my $url = Mojo::URL->new('https://bitbucket/scm/repo/requirements.git')
            ->query(a => 'b');
for my $method (qw(to_string to_unsafe_string scheme userinfo host port path query fragment)) {
    printf "%-20s: %s\n", $method, $url->$method();

In this case, I primarily needed the to_unsafe_string method to build the final URL. The to_string method omits the user info from the URL, so it wasn’t usable here. As I explored further, I tried all available methods to completely decompose the URL, resulting in the following output:

to_string           : https://bitbucket/scm/repo/requirements.git?a=b
to_unsafe_string    : https://account:pwd34%23@bitbucket/scm/repo/requirements.git?a=b
scheme              : https
userinfo            : account:pwd34#
host                : bitbucket
port                :
path                : /scm/repo/requirements.git
query               : a=b
fragment            :

Another handy feature provided by this class is the ability to build a relative URL based on a given base URL, as I discussed in the Scrape Infinity post.