Tree of comments

2023-08-07 C# .NET record Dictionary tree PDF

In previous article I was extracting attached comments from a PDF file. We receive enumeration of Comment objects, so we can build a simple method to build the tree of those objects.

First, we will need list of children (Replies) and improve stringification of the Comment. It will first print out its own properties and then indented all replies

public record class Comment(string? Title, string? Contents, string Date, int PageNumber, double OnPageY, string? InReplyTo)
    public string Id { get; } = ComputeIdForComment(Title, Contents, Date, PageNumber);
    public List<Comment> Replies { get; } = new();

    public static string ComputeIdForComment(string? title, string? contents, string? date, int pageNumber)
        using (SHA1 sha = SHA1.Create())
            return System.Convert.ToBase64String(sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Join("-", title, contents, date, pageNumber))));

    public override string? ToString()
        return $"{Title} on {Date}: {Contents} (page {PageNumber})"
            + "\n" + string.Join("\n", Replies.Select(c => "\t" + c.ToString()));

Now a method that will keep track of all Id entries and comments that have set the InReplyTo property add under their parents. Remaining comments will go into root comments and will be returned as another enumerable

private static IEnumerable<Comment> BuildCommentTree(IEnumerable<Comment> comments)
    IDictionary<string, Comment> commentById = comments.ToDictionary(c => c.Id);
    List<Comment> rootComments = new();

    foreach(Comment c in commentById.Values.OrderBy(c => c.PageNumber).ThenBy(c => c.OnPageY).ThenBy(c => c.Date)) 
        if(c.InReplyTo != null && commentById.ContainsKey(c.InReplyTo))

    return rootComments;

Usage is very similar to last time, we can just chain in the BuildCommentTree method

foreach (Comment cm in BuildCommentTree(ExtractComments(inputPdf))) 